Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam 2025

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The Assam state government has started the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam 2025. All the young citizens of Assam state have completed their education and now want to start their corporate career can apply for the scheme online. The central government of India introduced a total of 1.25 lakh internship opportunities across India out of the total 3523 internships available for the young citizens who belong to Assam state. All the young citizens of Assam state who are permanent residents of Assam state can visit the official website and fill out the application form online to avail the benefits of the scheme.

Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam
Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam

The objective of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme in Assam

The main objective of launching the Prime Minister Internship Scheme in Assam is to help young citizens get an internship and get real-world experience. With the help of this scheme, young citizens can get practical knowledge rather than theoretical. All the young citizens who will get an internship opportunity under the scheme will receive a stipend of INR 5000 per month. The answer designs can get more stipend according to the company but candidates will not receive their monthly stipend below 500. A one-time allowance of INR 6000 will also be given to the young students for their settlement and allowance

Key Highlights of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam

Key HighlightsDetails
Name of the SchemePrime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam
Launched ByAssam’s Skill, Employment & Entrepreneurship Department
Launch DateOctober 3rd, 2024
Announced ByAssam state government
PurposeProvide internship opportunities
BeneficiariesCitizens of Assam
Target BeneficiariesStudents who completed their education
AdvantageProvide real corporate experience
Eligibility CriteriaYoung students between the age group of 21 to 24 years
Required DocumentsAadhaar Card, Educational Proof, Self-declaration of family income
Application ProcessOnline
Official Websitepminternship in
Financial Commitment 
Expected BenefitsInternship
Contact Numberpminternship[at]

About Portal

The central government of India launched the Portal to simplify the process of applying for the Prime Minister internship scheme. With the help of the official portal, young citizens can apply for the scheme online in the comfort of their homes without visiting any government office. The young citizens not only can apply but can also check various other information including guidelines, partner company list, FAQ, etc. All the citizens of Assam state who want to avail the benefits of the scheme are requested to fill out the application form before the last date which is 10th November 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

The PM Internship Scheme Eligibility for candidates is given below:-

  • The applicant should be a permanent resident of India.
  • The applicant should belong to the age group of 21-24 years.
  • Candidates participating in online or distant learning programs may apply; however, you must not be a full-time employee or student.
  • You must possess a certificate from an Industrial Training Institute (ITI), a diploma from a Polytechnic Institute, or a graduation degree such as a BA, B.Sc., B.Com., BCA, BBA, B.Pharma, etc., in addition to having completed your Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or its equivalent and Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or its equivalent.

Required Documents

  • Aadhar card
  • Educational qualifications
  • Self-declaration of family income

Education Qualifications

The applicant  must hold a certificate from an Industrial Training Institute (ITI), a diploma from a Polytechnic Institute, or a graduation degree such as a BA, B.Sc., B.Com., BCA, BBA, B.Pharma, etc., or have completed your Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or its equivalent.

PM Internship Scheme
PM Internship Scheme

Ineligibility Criteria

  • All the citizens whose annual income is more than INR 8 lakh are not eligible to apply.
  • All dose citizens whose family member is a government employee is not eligible to apply.
  • Graduates from IITs, ILMs, National Law Universities, USER, NIDs, and IllTs are not eligible to apply for the scheme.
  • Those having qualifications such as CA, and CMA. CS, MBBS, BDS. MBA, any masterโ€™s or higher degree.
  • Those undergoing any skill, apprenticeship, internship or student training program under Central Government or State Government schemes.
  • Those who have completed the apprenticeship. training under the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) or the National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) at any point.

Also Read: PM Internship Scheme Opportunity

Important Dates

  • Kailash day to apply for the Prime Minister internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam 2024-25 is 10th November 2024.

Stipend and Allowance

  • A total monthly assistance of INR 5000 will be given to all the interns from the government as well as the companies for a total of 12 months.
  • A one-time grant of INR 6000 will also be given to the intern from the Government of India once they reach the internship location.

Also Read: PM Internship Scheme Merit List

Assam Prime Minister Internship Scheme Registration

STEP 1: All the young citizens of India who want to register under the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam Registration are requested to visit the official website.

Prime Minister Internship Scheme Portal
Prime Minister Internship Scheme Portal

STEP 2: Once the young citizens reach the homepage of the official website they must locate and click on the option called you to register โ€œYouth Registrationโ€.

Youth Registration
Youth Registration

STEP 3: A pop-up bar will appear on your desktop screen the young citizens must enter their mobile number and click on the option โ€œsubmitโ€.

STEP 5: Now the young citizens must enter the OTP that they have received on the registered mobile number and click on the option โ€œsubmitโ€ again.

STEP 6:  The young citizens will get a pop-up for the consent for Aadhaar on top of the Update Password. The young citizens must tick the checkbox and click on โ€œAgreeโ€ to proceed further.

STEP 7: Now the young citizens will receive an updated password pop-up appearing on their desktop screen. The young citizens can enter their current password and the updated password twice.

Update Password
Update Password

STEP 8: After entering the current password and updated password the young citizens must review it and click on the option โ€œsubmitโ€.

STEP 9: Now the young citizen can get access to the portal by clicking on the โ€œcandidate profileโ€ option and can use various services available on the portal.

candidate profile
candidate profile

STEP 10: The candidate can log out from the portal by clicking on the โ€œUser Profile Linkโ€ on the top right corner of each page.

Now the young citizens must complete their candidate profile process by completing the given steps as follows:

  • e KYC
  • Personal Details
  • Contact Details
  • Education Details
  • Bank Details


STEP 1: The very first step for any citizen who wants to create their candidate profile is the e-KYC process for which they have to download the DigiLocker app and login using their credentials.

STEP 2: After successfully logging in the young citizens must click on the option โ€œMeriPehchanโ€ available in the Digilocker checkbox and click on the option โ€œProceed with MeriPehchaanโ€.

 e-KYC process
e-KYC process

STEP 3: Now a new page will appear on your desktop screen the young citizens must enter their Aadhar number and click on the option โ€œrequest OTPโ€.

STEP 4: The young citizens must enter the OTP that they have received and click on the option โ€œContinueโ€.

Digilocker Registration
Digilocker Registration

STEP 5: Now a pop-up menu will appear on your desktop screen the citizens must enter their Six-digit security PIN to access their Digilocker account.

Digilocker account
Digilocker account

STEP 6: A new page will appear on your desktop screen where the young citizens have to give their consent to share their Aadhaar Card details with the PM Internship Scheme.

Aadhaar Card details
Aadhaar Card details

STEP 7: Now the citizens must click on the option โ€œallowโ€ enter their email ID and click on the option โ€œverifyโ€.

STEP 8: Now the citizens must enter the OTP that they have received on the email id and click on the option โ€œSubmitโ€.

Personal Details

STEP 1: The next step for creating a candidate profile is entering the personal details of the young citizens. Fields like Name, Gender, and Date of Birth will be auto-fetched by the system from the e-KYC interface. The young citizens must follow the procedures to make any changes in already entered information.

STEP 2: After successfully completing the eKYC process personal details page will now appear on your screen the citizens must start filling in all the details.

Personal Details
Personal Details

STEP 3: Now a new page will appear on your desktop screen the young citizen must enter details including-

  • Father/ Mother/ Guardian Name: The young citizens must enter their father mother or legal guardian name in this section.
  • Category: In this section, the young citizens have to enter their category from a drop-down list having the following options general, OBC, SC, or ST.
  • Permanent Address: The young citizens must enter their permanent address in detail by including-
    • House/Apartment No
    • Address Line 1
    • Address Line 2
    • State/UT
    • District
    • Block (optional)
    • Village (Optional)
    • Zip/Postal Code
  • Now the citizens must enter yes or no under the option โ€œIs your Permanent Address same as your current address?โ€

If you are current address is different from permanent address the young citizens must enter their current address in detail by including-

  • House/Apartment No
  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • State/UT
  • District
  • Block (optional)
  • Village (Optional)

Zip/Postal Code

STEP 4: Now the young citizens must enter if they are differently abled or not by entering โ€œyes or noโ€ under the differently abled heading.

Application Form
Application Form

STEP 5: After filling up the above-mentioned details the candidate must click on the โ€œSave & Nextโ€ option, to save the personal details and to move to the next step.

Fill Form
Fill Form

Contact Details

STEP 1: Now the next after entering the personal details is entering the contact details of the young citizens.

Candidate Profile
Candidate Profile

STEP 2: The young citizens have to enter all the details that are asked on the contact details form including-

  • Young citizens need to enter his/ her Aadhaar registered mobile number in this field.
  • The young citizens have to enter one additional mobile number as an alternate mobile number in this field.

The citizens have to enter their email IDs also.

STEP 3: After entering all these details the young citizens must review them and click on the option โ€œget OTPโ€.

STEP 4: Now the citizens must enter the OTP that they have received and click on the option called โ€œverifyโ€.

STEP 5: After filling up the above-mentioned details the candidate can click on the โ€œSave & Nextโ€ option, to save the personal details and move to the next step.

Education Details

STEP 1: Now after entering the contact details the young citizens must move on to the next page where they have to enter their educational details.

STEP 2: The form will appear on your desktop screen the young citizens must enter all the details that are asked including-

  • The young citizens must select their qualifications from a dropdown list of various options like 10th, 12th, ITI, and graduation.
  • The young citizens must also select their course from a drop-down list of courses available on the screen.
  • The young citizens must select their course stream or applicable specialization (if any), from a dropdown list of various options.
  • ย The young citizens must enter his/her Board or University name in this field.
  • Now the young citizens must enter their Institute name school, college, or other.
  • The young citizens must select their year of passing of the course, from a dropdown list of various applicable options.
  • The young citizens must select their score type as applicable for the course being mentioned, from a dropdown list of various applicable options like CGPA/Grades/Percentage.

Finally, the young citizens must upload any of the certificates that they have in PDF form.

STEP 3: Now the citizens must quickly review it and click on the option on the โ€œSave & Nextโ€ button, to save the Education Details and to move to the next step.

Bank Details

STEP 1: Now after entering the educational details the young citizens must move on to the next page where they have to enter their bank account details.

STEP 2: Now the young citizens must have to click on the option yes if they have an Aadhar-seeded bank account or no if they do not.

STEP 3: The young citizens must note that only those candidates who have an Aadhar-seeded bank account will receive a one-time grant of INR 6000 under the PM internship scheme.

STEP 4: Now the citizens must quickly review it and click on the option on the โ€œSave & Nextโ€ button, to save the bank Details and to move to the next step.

Skill and Language

STEP 1: Now after entering the bank account details the young citizens must move on to the next page where they have to enter their Skill and Language details.

STEP 2: Now on the form the young citizens must enter all the skills they have that are available on the drop-down menu.

STEP 3: Now the young citizens must enter including their Languages, Certifications, and Experience.

  • The citizens must select their known languages from a drop-down list of languages. The candidates must know that they can choose more than one language.
  • The candidates must also enter their experience in the description box.
  • The candidate can enter his/her additional certifications (if any) in this description field.

The citizens can enter any other details that they wish to highlight in their profile like any hobby or awards that they have won.

STEP 4: The candidates must submit their consent under the โ€œMCA can share your details with other Govt. portals/Schemes for various training and opportunitiesโ€.

STEP 5: After entering all the details the young citizens can click on the option โ€œdownload Resumeโ€.

STEP 5: After successfully downloading the resume the candidates can click on the option โ€œcomplete profileโ€ to complete their PM Internship Scheme profile

Login for the Prime Minister Internship Scheme

STEP 1: All the young citizens of India who have already registered under the scheme are requested to visit the official website to do login at the Prime Minister Internship Scheme.

STEP 2: Once the young citizens reach the home page of the official website they must locate and click on the option called โ€œloginโ€.

Login Form
Login Form

STEP 3: A new page will appear on your desktop screen the citizens must enter their username and password correctly.

STEP 4: After entering all the details the citizens must quickly review it and click on the option โ€œloginโ€ to complete their process.

Contact Details

  • pminternship[at]


What is the monthly allowance to be given to the interns under the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam?

The monthly allowance of INR 5000 will be given to the interns under the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam.

What is the duration of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam?

Internships under the Prime Minister Internship Scheme will be for a duration of one year (12 months).

Which department of Assam state announces the launch of the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam?

The Skill, Employment & Entrepreneurship Department of Assam state launched the Prime Minister Internship Scheme (Pilot Project) Assam.

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